Tuesday, August 30, 2016

total noob.

Mood. total. mood: 
 i'm married to the IT manager at a relatively large company and i can barely maneuver around my mac short of browsing the interwebs. so when i tried to upload photos from my camera onto my computer and it said i didn't have enough memory... um what? computers run out of memory? well i'm not that big of a noob, but really though... it's not like i'm hoarding thousands of documents and movies on my laptop... or am i? ugh! I just want to download all of these adorable pictures of my toots.

you're probably thinking... why don't you just ask your IT manager husband to help you?... and that would be a totally logical question to ask and if life were that simple and i didn't have a mac, I totally would. well i'm still going to... but i'm going to have to sit through the endless ramblings about how macs are the worst computers ever and how everyone who uses them doesn't know how to really use them and blah ba blah ba blah blah blah. annoying. i'm going to go now and listen to the wise words of my husband as he clears my computer and bitches about the fact that I should have a pc.

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