Thursday, March 10, 2016

fitbit goodness.

get it with a fitbit! get fit with the bit! (for some reason, I can't stop saying that in my head... now I'm annoyed with it and wish I had never written it. oh the struggle!)

i am so late to the fitbit game. BUT. i love mine with all of my heart. 
if it hasn't become obvious, i'm trying to lose weight... a lot of weight and I'm starting to realize that I need little reminders here and there of how much I'm eating or how sedentary I've been, etcetera, etcetera. for me at least, tracking these things has been a real eye opener. like right now... it's noon and I haven't even hit 1,000 steps. noon! when you have a desk job, it's hard to get up, get out, and get moving. you work work work... go make some coffee... work work work... go to the bathroom... work work work... go to a meeting. it's a vicious cycle for activity and moving around. you get sucked into a project or a this or a that and before you know it, the day is done and you have no recollection of if you actually ever got out of your chair.
THAT, people, is why I love my fitbit. that right there. I have been in that trap for years on end... allowing myself to be chained to my desk by day and then going home and watching tv till I'd go to bed (on top of not the healthiest eating habits and a love a wine). it's a terrible, terrible pit to fall into because one day you look in the mirror and are like 'shit... who's that fatty?' and it happens in what feels like the blink of an eye.
but now I have my fitbit. my best friend. he tells me when I'm being super lazy or need to take a break from work and go on a walk. he also cheers me on when I reach my goal and reminds me that I'm working hard to look and feel better. oh the love affair that I am having with my fitbit!
it's a magical thing.

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