Wednesday, March 9, 2016

adventures in baby food.

I've been making little ms. Lucy's baby food for about a month now and it's been awesome... like really awesome. i love cooking, so creating little meals for my toots that are healthy and hopefully tasty has been such a fun, creative outlet for me and something that she loves to sit in her highchair and watch me do.

i've been using a lot of recipes from she's so good. i used the 4 month purees in the beginning and once i got the hang of it, i started making up my own... which really... there ain't much to get the hang of. i really love her use of spices and hope that that helps to open up lu's palate and create a child who's not picky and willing to try new things... wishful thinking! once i've steamed and spiced and pureed, i like to put the puree into a plastic bag. i've found that it's much easier to get everything into ice cube trays this way and also, if i'm feeling spent... or we don't have any clean trays... i can just put the bag in the fridge till i'm ready. once the purees have been frozen into cubes, i put them into an already labeled ziplock (including the expiration date) and we're ready to go!

it may sound like a lot or fussy or whatever, but i'm telling you... it's such an easy process, you know exactly where the food is coming from, and it's almost just as convenient as the pouches. 

here she's eating... 

 donuts! no... but i wish i was eating those cheeky little delights right this moment. damnit.

this particular nights dinner was a combination of roasted blueberry puree and carrots with coconut milk and curry. you've got to watch it with blueberries and beets... not only will they stain anything they come into contact with, but your baby's diapers will be navy blue, which is a little shocking when you first see it. but... my girl loves 'em!

Roasted Blueberry Puree

1 pint of blueberries
a dash of cinnamon

roast blueberries at 450 for about 10-15 minutes
puree with a dash of cinnamon

Carrot & Coconut Milk

1 lb of carrots
coconut milk
spice of choice (I used curry)

steam carrots until tender
add to blender along with curry and enough coconut milk to puree
again... tadaaa!!

both of these are super simple and (after being frozen in ice cube trays and then transferred to plastic bags) are easily stored in the freezer, fridge, diaper bag... honestly... it's the best.

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