Thursday, September 1, 2016

rabbit rabbit.

i did it!

i actually remembered to say rabbit rabbit this morning! who knows if it'll bring me good luck this month... i mean... i did get to work and immediately texted my girlfriends that this was going to be the day that i was going to split my pants... but we'll see! i guess, if i make it through work and target with no rippage of the pants, i'm off to a good start.

speaking of ripping my pants... i need to lose weight. like lots of it. i just went through my phone to try to find old pictures of my sexy ass, but it's been so long... i'm not even sure cell phones had been invented the last time i was skinny. sigh.

maybe that's what all this good luck will be about this month. loosing a million pounds!

i bought a bunch of jars recently and started making jarred salads and overnight oats to bring to work, which really helps. what doesn't help is when you get busy and forget and then go to the gas station for a burrito bowl (no rice! yes chips... damn) and about 10 other treats. grrrr. but! it does really help to meal prep. it actually makes all the difference in the world. making sure to have meals prepped at the beginning of the work week, especially for meals eaten at work, takes all of the guess work out. all of the chances for bad choices and skipped meals no longer pose a threat to a healthy lifestyle.

plus... look at that beaut! she's filled with tzatziki, tomates, red onion, gyro meat (gyro meat! not really all that healthy, but TJs sells it!), and loads of lettuce. mmmm... she's a regular, ol', gyro salad in a jar! so good. probably not the healthiest salad i could make, but it's better than Noodles or Pasta Zola or a juicy burger or a reuben or... ok done.

i'm really hoping to write more about my progress with weight loss. i'm really hoping to have some progress with weight loss. after my last miscarriage, my eyes were really opened to my lifestyle choices and how that is probably a huge factor in everything that happened. loosing weight and living healthy isn't just for me anymore. it's for my baby and all the babies i want to have. it's for my future and for my today and rabbit rabbit! help me lose all of this weight!  


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